5 Reasons Why Beer Cans Are Better Than Bottles

5 Reasons Why Beer Cans Are Better Than Bottles

Beer is the perfect beverage for enjoying with friends and family. Not only does beer have a flavour that is much more enjoyable when compared to water, but it also offers a feeling of contentment and relaxation.

However, there are some downsides to drinking beer from a bottle such as portability. To avoid these problems, some companies decided to create a new kind of container: the can.

Should you wish to store your refrigerator with beers just like purchasing bulk in a Coca Cola distributor for your sodas, you can always contact your wholesale drink supplier.

But meanwhile, let’s dig into the pros of beer cans:

1. No Impact On Beer’s Flavor  

There’s no evidence to show that aluminium cans actually cause issues when it comes to the beer’s taste. The metallic taste lies in the brewing process and not in the can itself.

2. Keeps Beer Fresher 

Bottles are made out of glass which allows light to enter the beer which leads to oxidization and an unpleasant “skunky” flavour in the beer. Beer cans, on the other hand, are made of aluminium which is impermeable to light. Aluminium doesn’t allow the natural degradation of the beer, making your beer last longer than bottles.

Cans are sealed tight which doesn’t allow oxygen to reach the bear. This means that your beer will remain fresh longer. On the other hand, if you keep your beer in a bottle for too long, chances are tiny amounts of the air come in, causing the beer to age and have unpalatable flavours.

3. Storage

The most obvious reason why people like to buy beer in cans instead of bottles is storage. Since beer cans are easier to stack, you don’t have to worry about having extra space to store all your beer bottles.

4. Cold Temperature

Aluminium conducts heat better than glass, plastic, or any other material. For the same reason, it also cools faster. But its temperature won’t stay long.

Putting your canned beer into a cold water bath will help it to remain cool and that will actually cool faster than it will in the freezer or a refrigerator. 

5. Light & Portable

Glass bottles are easily broken and can be dangerous. They also weigh more than aluminium cans and are more difficult to store. A standard bottle weighs around 170 grams and a standard can weigh only 15 grams.

So, aluminium cans for an outdoor rump is recommended. They are lightweight, easy to store, and unbreakable. They are also great for any other kind of outdoor use, such as fishing or camping.

6. Recyclability

This is another easy way to reduce your impact on the environment. The good news is that cans are easier to recycle than bottles and, with some recycling centres, they’re not considered trash. Also, it takes about 90% less fuel to recycle aluminium than to make new aluminium cans from raw materials. 


These are the common reasons why beer cans are better than bottles. So, if you’re planning to pull up your next bash or simply gather your friends at home, beer cans are the way to go.

If you like this article, you may like our earlier article regarding 4 Ways to Turn Your Workplace Into the Happiest Place on Earth.

source https://ctcleantrading.wordpress.com/2022/07/11/5-reasons-why-beer-cans-are-better-than-bottles/


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